ari nie merupakn ari yg plg sekse tul...
what is with my heart?
why do i feel so empty..?
ape akn terjadi??
perh..! ari nie mmg memenatkn tul! =/
pd permulaan ari skola.. mmg tension gler rase nyer..xdpt nk gmbr kn betape sedih nyer sheila (dsbbkn sesuatu hal...) ble da smpi skola.. sheila jmpe intan lu.. tp secara tbe2 n xsngaje.. air mata sheila mule bergenang.. ape lg.. sheila trus ajk die ke tnds.. ade la beberape titik air mate jatuh.. sheila luah kn ape yg terpendam dlm ati sheila wktu tu.. akhir nyer,, loceng pn da bunyi. so sheila soh la intan g bratur lu.. bb tkot kene tgkp plak..
sakit pale!
huhu ari nie... sungguh menyakitkn..nk blajar pn,, kpale duk terigtkn kt bnde laen..
hehe waa... xsgke plak ari ni kelas 4gigih dpt klas terbersih!
i dont care.. i still love him!
biarlah ape pun org nk ckp...
my frens...
today me and my frens stay back at skul..
what happen on my bezday on the 21st June 2010
waaa... u did it ayg! u got to be the FIRST one to wish my birthday to me...
i'm so glad ur the first one..hehe biase la kn... tp pelik cket ari nie...
bb tgh2 mlm da biarkn FB bkk tp xde sape pn wish..
tp bnde plg terkejut terjd! mlm tu ramai plak yg wish..
heheh mmg eppy gler la sheila! to all my wishers,,
thanx for all ur wishes! i'm glad u guys remembered my birthday!
ehehe especially my LOVE one..!
i will always love u 4eva..
about today..
its has been a really tiring day... so much to do...
kena wt yg markah koko tu la...pastu byk keje skola yg xsiap kene anta esk plak tu...
da la smlm tdo kul 1...dlm kul 4 lebih td ade la jugak nk dpt tdo pn kejAP je...
then terpakse smbung wt keje...firstly kene wt kje agame..
then math,pastu bi plak kene wt esei...
huhu then ade kwn2 soh lukis...i mean i dont mind but..
too much of a good thing is bad.. u know?
hm... i hope i can do it when i want to...n not when i have to!
hehe that's it for today...