heyy!! assalammualaikum to everybody here!
heheh seems like i've forgotten to update my blogger again..
*gently pat my blog*
you must've been lonely huh?
hahah well.. time for update on whats goin on..these are some pictures i would like to show you..
Plus, some Happy/Sad news,, my hubby right now is doing his practical work on his ship *EAGLE SAN DIEGO* which is an oil tank ship..(i think?) hahah he's been gone for like 20days now... but for me.. it's like way longer... hahah.. didn't know it was only 20 days up until now (just counted the days). hahah i sometimes feel silly... coz everyone is saying like : "laa.. baru 20 hari je... da rindu?" but you know.. i really do miss him a lot! he's always been there for me.. then suddenly he has to go away..
for a fact: It's hard to not TALK to someone that you've always talked to.. sometimes a picture isn't enough to satisfy your misses.. really i had no choice.. but to just pray that he'll always be in good health and that he is safe on his ship.
ok... that's enough about him now.. continuing about my life in UKM.. sure, it's been fun... i'm almost at the end of my 1st sem here! but fortunately.. my break is only about weeks.. hahah not like everybody else, who has like a month of vacation! really ! i want some relaxation too! but i guess certain things must wait 1st.. as the saying goes: "bersusah2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian" And that's a wrap! i'll try to keep my blog posted for new updates.. heheh hopefully in the nearest future! see you then!
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