Assalammualaikum and Ohayo-gozaimasu bloggers!

hehe once again I left my blog to collect dusts for me.. haha poor bloggie.. but its ok.. now that I'm back again.. I have u know that right now I'm already in my 2nd semester! haha time flew by without me knowing it..

by this time I should already received my results right? and I'm guessing many of you wanted to know what I got for my 1st semester.. well... drumroll please..! haha I got a solid 3.00.. I know.. its not as bad as it looks.. but it is to me! I mean all of my friends got at least near or more than 3.50! huhu I should've known I will get my result for my so-so STUDY.. I know now that I didn't did my best for the exams.. but now to worry.. for this 2nd sem, I will thrive myself through and through so that I won't have the same results..

for now.. things are all quite in a jumble.. huhu my work is a never-ending cycle.. finished one and another appears.. huhu guess that's university's life for you.. I'll try my best to finished it all.. oh! lets not forget, I, as the head of marketing for Temasya Highlanders, welcome you to come and join us at Kolej Ibrahim Yaakub, UKM, Bangi! on 21-23 March 2014..

want to know more? come ,visit and like us on FACEBOOK  ( ) and follow our TWITTER at ( )

And that's all folks! haha until next time bloggers!

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